Having a baby is one of the most amazing experiences in the world, but it takes a significant toll on your body. You’re likely to experience weight gain as a result of the pregnancy, which won’t all go away after giving birth. However, you can get your body back to its original weight after having a baby.

Research has shown that it’s ideal to start a routine exercise program as soon as you can after giving birth. It’s good for your health, but it can also reduce your risk of developing postpartum depression.

Since every delivery and pregnancy are different, it’s good to talk to your doctor before you being a post-pregnancy workout program. If you experience excessive soreness, heavy bleeding, headaches, or other unusual issues during or after exercise, stop the movement and call a doctor to get advice.

Here are a few moves that can help you get your body ready to handle regular exercise again


Though taking a walk doesn’t necessarily sound like a workout, walking is a great way to get you back into your fitness routine after you’ve had a baby.

It’s best to start easy, such as with a stroll around the block. Eventually, your goal is to do a power walk or even add some jogging into the mix. Gentle walks can still help your body in a variety of ways. Plus, you can take your baby in a front pack to add more weight and get them engaging in activities with you.

Variations can include walking in zigzagging patterns or backward so that your muscles don’t get used to a repetitive pattern. Though bringing your baby is ideal, you need to ensure that you have balance and master it first.

Belly Breathing and Abdominal Contractions

This exercise is incredibly easy, and you can do it almost an hour after giving birth. It will help to relax the muscles and will help you start toning and strengthening your belly and abs.

Sit up straight with good posture, and breathe in deeply. You should draw air from your diaphragm upward. Then, contract the abs and hold them tight while you inhale, relaxing them as you exhale. To make it harder, increase the length of time you contract and hold the stomach.

Head and Shoulder Lifts with Curl-Ups

These three movements can help you strengthen your back muscles. They burn calories and can also help tone the abs and stomach.

To do the head lift: Lie on the back with the arms at your sides. Keep the low back pushed into the floor while you bend your knees, keeping your feet flat. Relax the belly while you inhale. When you exhale, you should lift the neck and head slowly from the floor. Then, slowly lower the head again and inhale.

For the shoulder lift: Once you can handle ten head lifts in a row without a challenge, this is the next move to try. Start in the same position for head lifts while relaxing the belly and inhaling. While you exhale, raise the head and shoulders from the floor, trying to reach the hands and arms to the knees. This motion could strain your neck; if that happens, put your hands behind the head without pulling. Inhale while you lower the shoulders and head to the floor.

Curl-ups: Now that you can do ten shoulder lifts without too much effort, this is the next exercise. Start in the same position as the other two moves. Lift the torso until it’s halfway between the knees and floor. Reach toward the knees, holding the position for about five seconds. Slowly lower back down. During this exercise, don’t forget to breathe deeply and slowly.

Kneeling Pelvic Tilts

This movement can tone your stomach. If you experience back pain, it’s a good idea to start strengthening the abs to combat this.

Start on your hands and knees with the toes touching the floor. Your arms should come straight from the shoulder line with the palms on the floor. The back is straight and relaxed without any arching or curving. When you inhale, pull the buttocks forward while you tile the pelvis and rotate the pubic bone up. Hold this pose for three counts and then release.


Such a classic exercise got to be that way for a reason. It helps tone up the bladder muscles, which can reduce the risk of developing incontinence from childbirth. You can develop better control over your bladder muscles with time if you can hold the Kegel longer and do more of them.

The goal here is to contract and hold those muscles that control urine flow. It’s ideal to use the restroom the first few times you try this exercise to understand which muscles they are. When you urinate, tense those muscles, so the stream of urine stops temporarily. Then, you can release them so that the urine flows again. Remember those muscles so that you can do the exercise when you’re not urinating. Just contract and hold them, and then release them once more. Do this up to three times a day with ten times in each session.

It can be quite a challenge to get back to your pre-pregnancy body. You’ve gone through a lot of emotional, mental, and physical changes, so it’s going to take time. Make sure you are patient with yourself. If you’ve liked these exercises, consider following us on Facebook to get more helpful tips and information.

The post What Are The Best Post-Pregnancy Workouts? appeared first on Gaspari Nutrition.