Believe it or not, one of the most hardcore gyms in the country is in New Haven, Connecticut. It’s the Montanari Bros. Powerhouse Gym, a staple of the bodybuilding community on the east coast since the 80s. That’s why Rich Gaspari had to head over there with guest co-host Berry de Mey to prove how hardcore this place really is. This family-run and family-focused gym is full of passionate bodybuilders and lovers of fitness – and that feeling is so strong, you feel it the second you step inside. This gym also has some of the most insanely unique old school equipment that you just don’t find in many other gyms.

“Montanari brothers”  sounds like an Italian deli…..

RG: “That’s funny, but make no mistake, it’s a hardcore gym. It’s been around since the 80s! But, it is different, it’s hardcore for sure, no mistake about that, but there’s a family vibe here too.”

There’s a lot of interesting equipment in there….

RG: “Yes!, very unique pieces you wont see anywhere. And each piece of equipment has a story.”

How was it training with Berry again?

RG: “He’s an animal. I know I keep saying how he got in shape for this filming, but he’s the real deal. He hasn’t changed in 30 years, and he still trains heavy and hard. I can’t believe it’s been that long since he and I competed against each other in the Olympia.”

Wrap it up, Rich, do Montanari brothers throw down the hardcore?

RG: “These guys are very passionate about their gym and their equipment. You can feel it immediately when you walk inside. It’s hardcore but still has that unmistakable Italian family-style atmosphere. It’s a great, very well equipped gym, hardcore to the bone.”

Powerhouse Gym
31 Bernhard Road 06473

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