“The Gym” is the most hardcore gym in San Diego… and among the hardest of the hardcore in the country.

Back in the day, there were two hardcore gyms that ruled Muscle Beach. World Gym and Gold’s Gym. Decades later, these gyms have traveled quite a long way down the corporate path. With the corporations now trying to wrestle established gyms away from their owners by drastically increasing the franchising fees, many gyms find themselves at a crossroads. A situation similar to this faced World Gym in San Diego.  Either become a corporate club, or maintain the hardcore identity it built over many years. Well, it made the obvious choice and turned its back on corporate and is now known simply as The Gym.

No trip to southern California would be complete without a quick drive down to San Diego. This week’s Hunt For Hardcore takes Rich down south to The Gym.  He meets the owner, Brad, who takes Rich on a tour of the gym and introduces him to some very special equipment. Does the gym formerly known as World Gym still hold onto to it’s hardcore element? Rich is going to find out.

What’s the first thing you notice when you walk into The Gym.

RG: “The girls! There’s big photos all over the gym of the hottest bikini girls, fitness, figure, physique and bodybuilding. I couldn’t believe it when Brad told me they all workout there. About half of his members are women.”

Half women??!! That’s an incredibly high number, especially for a hardcore gym. Why do you think that’s so?

RG: “It has to be the leg equipment. The Gym is by far one of the best-equipped gyms for legs on the west coast, if not the entire country. So many machines, quite a few that specialize in glutes!  Lots of bikini chicks come in here, it’s glute heaven!”

How’s the rest of the stuff?

RG: “It’s a very well equipped gym. Lots of unique pieces and plenty of tonnage. Bodybuilders, powerlifters, strong men, functional training, you can do it all here at a very high level.”

What about the member community, does anything stand out?

RG: Definitely the vibe. All the hardcore gyms we visited have a great sense of community, but here, it’s a unity among competitors. There’s so many competitors training here you can just feel it. This gym had the most competitors in the series. Their pics are up all over the gym….. Lots of girls.”

Address: 2949 Garnet Ave, San Diego, CA 92109

  • Monday – Friday 4 AM-Midnight
  • Saturday – 5 AM – 9 PM
  • Sunday – 5 AM – 5 PM

Phone: (858) 272-3400

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