Sometimes, all you can do is a workout at home as you only have time for a short workout.

Below is one such effective workout. This program can be done just about anywhere provided there is space available for you to get a full body extension for planking. Additionally, the workout works on other muscles such as those in the shoulders and arms, as it focuses on your core.

Strengthening the core provides the body with a sturdy foundation, which promotes ease in many everyday tasks and increases your chances of achieving other fitness goals such as lifting heavy weights. Most workout movements require core engagement, so keeping it strong proves beneficial.

The Routine


  • Plank to Dolphin
  • Plank with Shoulder Tap
  • Bicycle Crunch
  • Plank to Downward Dog
  • Diamond Push-up
  • Lateral Plank Walk
  • Push-up
  • Forearm Side Plank with Twist
  • Boat Pose


Each exercise in the sequence is to be done for a minute followed by 30 seconds of rest. As you become stronger, you can jog for rest or do the routine twice.


1. Plank to Dolphin

  • Get into a forearm plank position with your legs extended behind you, your elbows below your shoulders, and your hands facing forward in a parallel manner.
  • Engage your core, glutes, and quads.
  • Press off your forearms and drive your hips up and back, which puts your body into a V-Shape with your head between your shoulders.
  • After a one second pause, slowly return to the plank.
  • Repeat this for a minute.

2. Plank with Shoulder Tap

By adding shoulder taps to a standard plank, not only is core tension increased, but the shoulders also become engaged as they must alternate supporting weight.

  • Get into a high plank position with your legs together in a full extension behind you.
  • Place your palms on the floor about shoulder-width apart while ensuring your shoulders are above your wrists.
  • Ensure to keep both your glutes and core engaged.
  • While keeping the glutes and the core engaged, tap your left hand to your right shoulder with as little hip movement as possible, then bring it back to the ground.
  • Repeat the movement with the right hand and the left shoulder.
  • Continue doing this while alternating sides for a minute.
  • If this movement is too difficult, separate your legs to reduce the difficulty.

3. Bicycle Crunch

The bicycle crunch allows the arms to rest while maintaining focus on the core through the constant intense movement of both the upper and lower body.

  • Lay on your back with your knees at a 90-degree angle over your hips.
  • Put both hands behind your head and ensure they point toward each side.
  • Get into the starting position by contracting your abs and bringing your shoulders off the floor.
  • Twist your body to bring the left elbow as close as possible to your right knee as you straighten your left leg.
  • Twist to do the same with the opposite body parts.
  • Continue doing this for a minute at a relaxed pace that allows you to feel your abs work.

4. Plank to Downward Dog

Moving from the Downward Dog to plank position focuses on core strength and control.

  • Get into a high plank with your feet hip-width apart behind you and your wrists under your shoulders. Keep your core tight throughout.
  • Drive your hips backward and upward to get into the Downward Dog as your heels trend towards the floor.
  • Move your weight forward and return to the plank.
  • Repeat for a minute.

5. Diamond Push-Up

The diamond push-up places tension on both your triceps and core.

  • Get into a high plank position with your legs together in a full extension behind you.
  • Place your palms on the floor about shoulder-width apart while ensuring your shoulders are above your wrists.
  • Bring your hands together so that your thumb and index fingers make a triangle.
  • Bend your elbows, so your chest lowers to the ground, and then push yourself back up.
  • Continue this for a minute.
  • If this movement is too difficult, drop your knees to the ground to reduce the difficulty.

6. Lateral Plank Walk

This exercise puts tension on the entire core as you must generate motion while maintaining stability.

  • Get into a high plank position with your legs together in a full extension behind you.
  • Place your palms on the floor about shoulder-width apart while ensuring your shoulders are above your wrists.
  • Take a step to your left by moving your left hand and foot simultaneously, followed by a simultaneous move of your right hand and foot.
  • For a minute, alternate a set amount of reps to the left, followed by the same amount to the right repeatedly.

7. Push-Up

The push-up is great for working your core, arms, abs, and shoulders simultaneously.

  • Get into a high plank position with your legs together in a full extension behind you.
  • Place your palms on the floor about shoulder-width apart while ensuring your shoulders are above your wrists.
  • Make sure to keep both your glutes and core engaged.
  • Bend your elbows, so your chest lowers to the ground, and then push yourself back up.
  • Continue this for a minute.
  • If this movement is too difficult, drop your knees to the ground to reduce the difficulty.

8. Forearm Side Plank with Twist

This exercise helps to target and strengthen the obliques.

  • Get into a side forearm plank by placing your right elbow underneath your shoulder and pushing through the right forearm with your hand in front of your body.
  • Extend the legs and place your left foot atop your right.
  • Contract your glutes and core to elevate yourself.
  • Place your left arm behind your head and point your elbow to the ceiling.
  • Rotate your midsection to the floor, allowing our left elbow to meet the right hand without allowing your hips to drop.
  • Reverse this motion.
  • Continue for a minute, then do a minute on the other side.

9. Boat Pose

This is a great way to engage the core and end the workout.

  • Sit with your feet flat and legs together and bent.
  • Lift your legs and form a 45-degree angle with them and your torso.
  • Keep your back flat and engage your core.
  • Maintain your balance using the base of your back and reach your arms ahead of you and parallel to the floor.
  • Hold this position for a minute.
  • You may place your hands below your hips to reduce the difficulty.

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The post Ab Workouts That Require No Equipment appeared first on Gaspari Nutrition.